The role of connection and goals in immunity

Video Courtesy of Alexis Costello

Biokinesiology and Touch for Health instructor, Wayne discusses simple things we can be doing to support ourselves and each other in times of crisis and isolation.

This interview is the feature for the Winter 2021 issue of KinesioGeek magazine! Download the magazine in its entirety: KinesioGeek Magazine, issue 18, Winter 2021


About Alexis Costello:

Alexis has been a Touch for Health instructor since 2007 and is now an Instructor Trainer, teaching the next wave of teachers. As one of a small handful of SIPS (Stress Indicator Point System) instructors in the world and the creator of the GEMS program, she travels internationally to speak about and teach these modalities to others. Publisher of the international journal KinesioGeek Magazine, she is striving to help other holistic practitioners succeed.

Alexis is certified in many aspects of holistic healing including herbology, aromatherapy, Bach Flower Remedies, N.O.T (Neural Organizational Technique), Brain Formatting, and massage. Canadian born, she moved in 2016 to Costa Rica with her family to live self-sufficiently in the jungle. Visit for more information.